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Heir Apparent
4 years ago

I would love to see a rekindling of a romance between Lily and Billy. Y & R could give the viewers some classic scenes as memories to further along our buy-in. Lily’s no nonsense attitude and “tell it like it is” manner would give Billy a challenge and intrigue him. Just as things get intense, let’s add some more drama by having Lily find temptation from another new diverse character who comes to work at ChanceComm.

4 years ago

I voted no ONLY because it might ruin their business relationship. I do find them so cute together & Jason is so charming. I feel like he could have chemistry with just about any lady in town. Since you forced me to choose Ali, I did.

Senior Executive
4 years ago

I’m up for it, there is chemistry there. I like the idea of Lily and Billy better than Amanda and Billy. To answer your question Ali, Billy Miller’s Billy and Lily were an item around the time Chloe came in the show claiming Cain was the father of at the time Delia. Lily and Cain broke up because of that which led to Billy and Lily. Billy realized he was the father of Chloe’s child but kept it a secret. Billy fell in love with Lily and wanted to marry her but she wanted to take it slow. Chloe and… Read more »

4 years ago

I’m low key up for it simply because they rhyme and lilly and billy sound perfect together.

Board Member
4 years ago

SALLY SPECTRA is coming to the show. That would be my choice for BILLY. He and LILY combined have too many kids!

4 years ago

Ali, SMDH (stands for Shaking My Darn Head). Some people use another D Word. I can not.

4 years ago

Yes, Let it happen. I am seeing the early voting and it has 69 Votes of No, I am just not understanding why that is. This has been the fastest response with that many votes, that I have ever seen.

Reply to  Sharod
4 years ago

SHAROD! Living in CA maybe I get CHAT later (?), but I plugged in relatively early this morning and saw that this question had 60+ votes, more than some questions might get in a week, and I’m thinking how did all these people already have a chance to cast a vote??? This question has Y&R CHAT broken the bank!

Reply to  GARY
4 years ago

Gary, I saw the voting and was thinking the exact same thing. And it is still growing.

Reply to  GARY
4 years ago


Board Member
Reply to  GARY
4 years ago

I was very surprised how people voted that they didn’t want a Billy and Lily romance. I thought most people liked them together.

Reply to  DIANNA
4 years ago

Not me. They have no romantic chemistry. Billy and Amanda is my choice

4 years ago

I think it stinks and hope Lily will up and hightale it back upstate fast to save her soul.

4 years ago

Nope Lily is too bossy to Billy and they have no chemistry. Amanda and Billy have so much chemistry and she understands him way more than Lily.

4 years ago

You know I was into a Billy and Lily pairing from the beginning. Lily’s body is too hot to let it go to waste even in the age of covid-19.

Let the sexual chemistry begin.

Reply to  Zoperxplex
4 years ago

There is no chemistry with Lily and Billy.

Reply to  Melissa
4 years ago

There is sexual tension percolating just beneath the surface that is about to explode.

Reply to  Zoperxplex
4 years ago

No there isn’t

Reply to  Melissa
4 years ago

I have my way of looking at things and you have yours. Let us see how things pan out.

Board Member
Reply to  Zoperxplex
4 years ago

I am with you Zoperplex. I have been wanting Lily and Billy to get together for a long time. I appreciate the gradual build up of their relationship as I find it makes it more interesting. It leaves you wanting more from them. I think they have a lot of chemistry and will be hot together! I am very happy Lily is not with Cane, as I was very bored of their relationship. The thought of Lily and Billy getting together is exciting! Looking forward to it.