Hi!  Thanks for stopping by.  My name is Ali.  I started watching The Young and the Restless in the summer of 1993. At the time, I was only 13 years old, at home from school on summer vacation. What can I say? I got hooked by the power struggles of Newman vs. Abbott, the budding love story of Nick and Sharon, and the wild rivalry between Phyllis and Christine.

In May of 2008, I found myself with some spare time, and a desire to work on a video project.  I founded my YRchat channel on YouTube and spoke aloud publicly about Y&R for the very first time. Through my weekly video vlog, I met so many other wonderful fans of the show.  By December 2010, I began releasing each weekly chat as a podcast, which introduced me up to a whole new group of group of friends.

Founded in July 2013, YRchat.com provides a home for my weekly video and podcast series.  It’s also a way to bring together fans of the show to connect with me, but more importantly, to connect with each other!  We are a fun and friendly group, true fans of the show.  So, jump right in, and let’s start chatting about The Young and the Restless!

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8 years ago

Hi Ali, I started watching the show around 12(1993) with my mom as a daily ritual before she went to work. I have continued watching on my own ever since. Still keeping in contact with my mom about the show. I live with my husband and 2 boys who have no interest in it at all!!! So I am so glad I stumbled onto your YouTube Chanel. Great job really enjoy your chats. I have been going through some of your old ones to refresh my memory lol it’s great!! So thank you for your time doing this. keep up… Read more »

9 years ago

This is an awesome Y&R community!
I’ve been watching Y&R for nearly the same amount of time as you Ali, and it’s fantabulous how you really “get” the show. I love your perspectives an opinions you share on the weekly podcast I Just found a few weeks ago.
Thanks for all your time and energy keeping us all up date and so so much more!

10 years ago

Love this site Ali, unfortunately I don’t get enough time to check it out more, but when I can I do. So glad I stumbled across your youtube channel all those years ago, basically YOU GET Y&R and I dig that. Take care darl from Aus

10 years ago

Love the site, Ali!